Are you connected with a specific church or religion?

Yes!  We are affiliated with The United Church of Canada (UCCan), a progressive Protestant denomination.  Please check out the "What We Believe" section of the UCCan website for more info about our parent denomination.

We fully embrace the UCCan statement from 2007,

“We believe the church can continue to affirm its own distinctive self-identity while affirming that other faiths and traditions have their own self-understanding. The Bible teaches that the Word and Wisdom of God are not limited to Christians, and the Spirit of God is free and faithful. We therefore affirm and cherish the differences between traditions as gifts of God, which can be life-giving and transformative”. (That We May Know Each Other, Final Statement)

Is everyone at weird church part of the united church?  is everyone a christian?

No!  Not even close. Our Minister, Rev. Ingrid, is an Ordained Minister in the UCCan, and has a passion for building community and seeking wholeness, healing and the holy in all the nooks and crannies of life.

Weird Church is a big tent with no walls where everyone is welcome. It is meant to be a safe place to wonder together, learn to ask better and better questions, and grow and be transformed in loving community. 

I still have lots of questions...

No problem.  Send an email to or call or text Ingrid at 250-218-7641.