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Coffee & Conversations that Matter: Cultivating Gratitude

In her book, The Gratitude Diaries: How a Year Looking on the Bright Side Can Transform Your Life, Janice Kaplan writes about her research into gratitude, concluding that “most of us suffer from a huge gratitude gap. We know we should be grateful, but something holds us back.” She suggests that, “we understand there is something that makes us more fulfilled - but we don’t jump to try it. It’s as if there were a magical happiness rock sitting in the middle of a field and half of us did’t even bother to go over and pick it up.” Kaplan goes on, noticing that “grateful people re-frame whatever happens to them. They don’t focus on what they’re lacking; they make sure they see the good in what they have.”

How do we make an intentional commitment to gratitude? How does that shape our days? Months? Years? Does gratitude make us more resilient?

Let’s discuss…all are welcome to this open-minded discussion group.

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